Variants in the manuscripts of the rNying ma rgyud ‘bum
The Manuscript Collections of the Ancient Tantras (rNying ma rgyud ‘bum): An Examination of Variance
This sub-project of the Manuscript Cultures Research Group will focus on the para-canonical collection known as the rNying ma rgyud ‘bum or the “Collection of the Ancient Tantras” of the rNying-ma school of Tibetan Buddhism. At least seven versions of the collection are available, of different sizes, ranging from 26 to 46 volumes. The objective of this sub-project is to study the variations exhibited in the various versions of the collection with regard to their length, the number and identity of the individual works contained in them, and their arrangement. This will be done on two levels:
- Comparing the various collections by creating a concordance which will include a comparison of the individual works: recording variations in their titles and colophons, and differences in their size, content, and placement within the overall arrangement of the collection.
- Investigating the doctrinal, social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of the formation of the collection; the production of the various versions; and the various roles and functions assignable to the collection.
The influence of the xylographic edition on the later transmission of the collection and other possible consequences of this change of medium will be examined. The investigation of the various roles and functions of the collection will include a study of the role of the collection as the main shaper of identity for the rNying-ma school.
Staff: Dr. Orna Almogi
- Duration: 2008 - 2011
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Harunaga Isaacson
- Sponsor: DFG Forschergruppe 963